Wednesday 3 July 2013

Music and me (Class)

Music and me Class discussion

Today we discussed our Music and Me blog post with each other -

Today's lesson revolved around the music and me blog post we had done in the previous lesson, in the lesson we went around each person and looked at the music videos that each of us had selected and everyone had to explain why and what made us choose these songs. I found that most of the songs chosen from our childhood were due to our parents listening to the music, For example mine was Take on me - Aha I think this was since my mum loved the song which carried onto me, this was what most of us seemed to agree on. 

When it came to our favourite song/genre this was very mixed, none of us could explain why we loved the certain genre we did it was just the music we liked naturally. We all gave reasons for our holiday song since it was the song that reminds us of favourite holiday most of the time. After showing each other our Favourite song, Holiday song and Childhood song we discussed how music has influenced our lives and we all believed that it has changed our lives in a good and huge way.


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