Friday 21 June 2013

Lip Sync Task

 Lip Syncing 

In class we split ourselves up into groups of 3 and had to try our best to lip sync the song that was chosen for us. The reason for this is because it has gave us practice for when we make our own music video. The song we had to lip sync was  'Learn to Fly' by The Foo Fighters. I thought this would be easy when i first found out the song since I know most of the words as I am a Foo Fighters fan. I found out even though I knew the most of the words that the task was difficult as I had never done anything like this before. It was only difficult because I felt under pressure and only had one shot at it. It was a interesting and fun task that has helped me. It has helped me gain knowledge of  what the aim of my coursework is and how I will go about doing it. Prior to this I thought I would be able to remember the song off by heart but know i know I will have to read through the before I film my own music video to make sure there is no mistakes whatsoever. 

This is the video of me attempting Lip Syncing - 


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